Privacy Policy

Effective date: 23.12.2023

1. General

Mimopass Sabalic (in Hauptstrasse 19, 8632 Tann, Switzerland) (hereinafter referred to as "Mimopass", "we", our" or "us") undertakes to protect and respect your privacy as the responsible party. This privacy policy is intended to provide you with information about how we collect, process or use your data on our platform, which is available through our website

We process the personal data provided by you or collected by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy, our General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "Terms and Conditions") and our Cookie Policy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

We process your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations (if applicable according to the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection, "FADP" and according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, "GDPR" (hereinafter collectively "applicable data protection law").

"Personal Data" means any data directly or indirectly linked to an identified or identifiable natural or legal person, which may include: your name, address, email, mobile phone number, your published requests for transport or your data about the use of our website. Data that does not have a direct or indirect connection with you/your identity is generally not considered personal data.

"Processing" includes all processing methods of your data, including automated or non-automated procedures or all other operations relating to your personal data. Examples of personal data include collection, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, reading, querying, use, disclosure through transmission, dissemination or other form of provision, the matching or linking, restriction, deletion or destruction of your data.

2. With your explicit consent, the following information may be collected and processed from you:

2.1. All information that you provide including personal information, all information provided when you use our platform, when you fill out the forms on the platform or when you contact us.

2.1.1. Personal data provided by you may include:
- Mandatory fields that are required for registration on our platform. If this data is not provided, you cannot register for an account through our platform and Mimopass is not obliged to provide the services offered on our platform.
- First and last name
- Chosen user name
- E-mail address
- Chosen password, with which you will log into our platform
- Your address
- Your mobile phone number
- Your language preference

Additional mandatory fields related to transporter role need to be provided. This is necessary to execute the contractual relationship with you in accordance with applicable data protection law:
- Information about your means of travel/transport
- whether you offer door-to-door transport.

And if, for example, you want to create a request for transport respectively you are a fee-based transportation service-seeker, the following data are necessary to execute the contractual relationship with you in accordance with applicable data protection law:
- short description of what you want to send, the weight and size of the package, and a photo of the package
- Locations (pick-up/delivery point)
- Time (pick-up and delivery date and time)

If you offer a transport on the request for transport as a transporter, the following data is required:
- your fee for service.

When the sender confirms an offer, and makes the transport reservation, following data are required as they need to be shared with parties involved and are necessary to execute the contract with you (transporting the package) in accordance with applicable data protection law:
- Contact details of the receiver (first and last name, full delivery address, receiver's email address (optional) and/or their mobile phone number)
- Your mobile phone number
- The fee you paid for transport.

2.1.2. Recordings of your email or any other correspondence with Mimopass.

2.1.3. Recordings of all requests for transport, transport reservations, transport offers and transports that you will carry out and have carried out.

2.1.4. Information on all the processes on our platform, details of the agreed chargeable service (details on your transports such as the agreed amount you paid for transport).

2.1.5. Data that you provide us when you have a problem with the website and/or want to report a problem with our service.

2.1.6. Your location(s) that you enter in your profile when you register for the platform, or when you search through the requests for transport, and/or when you fill in the request for transport and publish it.

2.1.7. Data related to establishing social connections with other registered and unregistered users on the platform. This may include information such as with who you are connected to on our platform (favorite user option) and with whom, how often, and where you use our services. This includes information about registered users and who added you as their favorite user.

2.2 With your explicit consent and in accordance with applicable law, when necessary, we automatically collect the following data:

2.2.1 Some data from your account when you connect to our services, such as your name, your address, your email address, your mobile phone number.

2.2.2. Data about your activities on our platform such as the number of transport reservations, your number of requests for transport, number of your favorite users, and the distance you travel when transporting. This sort of information may be disclosed in your profile.

3. Data retention period

We will only keep your data for as long as it is required by law, to process your data for the purpose of contractual responsibilities.

We store your data because of the contractual relationship with you, and your data remain stored at least during our entire contractual relationship and this lasts until the expiry of the statutory limitation periods.

4. The purpose of collecting your data is described as follows:

4.1. In order to provide you with all of the services offered through the platform, we use all of your data that you have provided to us. The processing is based on our mutual contractual obligations.

4.2. To send you information related to our services on the language of your preference, such as transport reservations, notification when you have a new message from another user, and other notifications necessary to execute the contractual relationship with you. The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations.

4.3. That you can organize transports with other registered users. The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations.

4.4. Your contact details, which you share with us through the platform and we share with your chosen transporter after your transport reservation, are necessary to enable delivery of the package by the transporter. If you are a sender or transporter, we will share your contact details with the registered users with whom you have arranged transport. For this purpose, the contact details of the receiver are exchanged with the selected transporter to enable the delivery of the package. The contact details of the transporter will also be sent to the receiver of the package in order to ensure smooth delivery of the parcel.

The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations.

4.5. The receiver's contact details that the receiver or sender shares with us and the transporter through the platform are necessary to enable the delivery of the package by the transporter and to enable the transport process. We use the receiver contact details such as the e-mail address so that we can send an invitation to the unregistered receiver to register on the platform. This is necessary to enable the smooth delivery of the package by the transporter and to ensure the smooth transport process. The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations.

4.6. That you can contact Mimopass and we can provide you with customer support. The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations or to enable the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims.

4.7. By recording your emails, we can improve our customer service. The processing is based on our legitimate interest to improve our services.

4.8. In order for us to ensure compliance with and if we assess that you have violated the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and applicable law, we may suspend your account on the platform. The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations or to enable the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims.

4.9. That you can identify and connect with your favorite users. The processing is based on your consent.

4.10. So that we can notify you of changes to the Applications and/or Services. The processing is based on your consent to enable our mutual contractual obligations, legal obligation or the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims.

4.11. To enable you to use the interactive functionalities of our service, such as selecting favorite users. The processing is based on your consent and our mutual contractual obligations.

4.12. The security of the platform represents a legitimate interest for Mimopass. For this reason and on the basis of a legal obligation or to enable the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims, we process your data.

5. The recipients of your collected data and the purpose of them receiving your data

5.1 Some of your data, during the use of our services, will be shared through your public profile or during the search for request for transport and/or transport arrangements (filling and publishing the request for transport, transport offer and transport reservation) with registered and/or unregistered users of the platform and with visitors of the platform as this is necessary for the provision of the service. If you are a sender or transporter, we will share your contact details with the registered users with whom you have arranged transport. For this purpose, the contact details of the receiver are exchanged with the chosen transporter to enable the delivery of the parcel. The contact details of the transporter can also be provided to the receiver of the package by the sender to enable smooth delivery of the package.

5.2 We cooperate with third parties who may be recipients of your personal data and we may disclose data about you to third parties such as providers of technical services, processing, and storage and analysis services. We will only pass on your data if you have consented to this in the accordance with applicable data protection law and thus comply with the statutory obligation, or if we make our claims from the contractual relationship, which represents our interest, legally enforceable.

5.3. Third parties will only receive your data, including your personal data, in the following cases:
- When third parties perform a service for us or we have to extend the execution of these services with third parties in order to perform a contract concluded with you
- As part of the transport reservation and parcel delivery, to provide the services requested by you, sender's profile data (name, mobile phone number, address, email address) and/or receiver's profile or receiver's name and the mobile phone number, e-mail address and delivery address may be displayed on the platform and/or are passed on to a transporter and/or another registered user. The contact details of the transporter will also be sent to the sender and can be sent to the receiver of the parcel to enable the smooth delivery of the parcel. This is necessary to enable delivery of the shipment by transporter and to enable the transport process
- Your profile (name, mobile phone number, email address,location) may be disclosed to your favorite users
- We work and engage third parties (other companies or persons) who are providers of technical services, processing and storage services. If necessary to perform a purpose or task for Mimopass, these third parties may have access to your personal data or user data. Your data only passed on to third parties to the extent until the tasks commissioned by us has been fulfilled:
- We only collect and process your location(s) that you enter in your profile when you register for the platform, or when you search for the request for transport and enter location(s), and/or fill and publish the request for transport. In order to be able to use all the functions, we use RapidAPI. This allows third parties (RapidAPI) to analyze your use of our services and collect and store your personal data. We have no control over third parties, and over the use of your collected personal data and assume no responsibility or liability. In order to be informed about the processing of data by third parties, please read carefully the corresponding data protection declarations.
- Our website may contain links to other websites, such as our social media websites (Instagram, Facebook) or links to official websites about data protection rules. If you click on the links of these websites and/or log in with the user account for these third party websites, they may analyze your use of our services and may collect and store your personal data. We have no control over these third parties and the use of your collected personal data and assume no responsibility or liability. In order to be informed about the processing of the data by these third parties, please read carefully the corresponding privacy policy of the third parties.

Your personal data will only be sold, passed on or transmitted to third parties if you have given your consent or requested it.
- Parts of your public profile may be shared with third parties, non-registered users and platform visitors through transport reservations when those third parties visit the platform.
- In the case of investigation, criminal or civil offenses, when claims against Mimopass are made, in the case of a legal regulation to fulfill official and judicial requests, to perform an agreement with our registered users, in the event of an emergency or danger, and to protect the rights, property or personal safety of Mimopass and others.
- In accordance with applicable data protection law in the event that Mimopass or its assets are sold, we may disclose certain personal data to the platform buyer.

Your personal data that we have collected are fundamentally transmitted and stored within the European Union ("EU") or in third countries (countries outside the EU) if third party service providers are based in third countries that have an appropriate level of protection according to the EU.

6. Your messages with other users

We may read your messages that you exchange with registered users. We do this only in case of suspicion of fraud, manipulation, threats and/or other criminal and civil consequences.

7. Your rights regarding personal data

7.1 You have the right to access your data and to obtain a copy of your personal data held by us.

7.2 You have the right to delete or correct personal data. Where required by law or legal basis exists, we may retain certain content of your data. We will keep your data in case there is suspicion of fraud, manipulation or other violation of the Terms and Conditions.

7.3 At any time, you have the right to object processing of your personal data for direct marketing or other processing that we make out of our legitimate interest.

7.4. You have the right to restrict processing, you can limit the processing of your personal data under the following conditions:
- If Mimopass no longer needs your data, but you still need your personal data to make legal claims.
- While we check the accuracy of your personal data and you deny the accuracy of your personal data.
- If your personal data has been unlawfully processed by Mimopass, and you wish to limit the processing.
- While we examine our reasons, with priority over your reasons, you can apply your right of objection.

7.5 In accordance with your right to data portability, you may receive back your personal data that we have collected and processed with your consent in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transfer this data to another responsible person or entity.

7.6. If you suspect that we have violated your rights, you have the right to make a complaint with the competent supervisory authority for data protection or to request a judicial remedy.

8. Cookies and similar technologies

Please see our Cookie Policy for more information.

9. Confidentiality of your password for your account on the platform

You are solely responsible for any misuse of your information and the consequences of using your account if you lose or disclose your password. You are solely responsible to safely storage and handle your chosen password. Do not share your password with anyone.

10. Links to other websites and social media

Our platform may contain links to and from third-party websites. These websites have their own privacy practices and privacy policies. We assume no responsibility or liability if you follow a link to one of these websites. Review their privacy policy and practices.

11. Changes to the privacy policy

Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this page and, where applicable, your consent will be obtained by law. Please check regularly for updates or changes to the privacy policy.

12. Contact

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at